THAT Council receive for information the prohibition on holding a public hearing and the public notice given of such a prohibited public hearing; and
THAT Council give first, second and third readings of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3059 (11th Street) to rezone the properties legally described as (1) LOT A, SECTION 69, COMOX DISTRICT, PLAN 32204; (2) THAT PART OF LOT 10, SECTION 69, COMOX DISTRICT, PLAN 3030, TAKEN FOR ROAD PURPOSES AND CONTAINING 0.27 OF AN ACRE MORE OR LESS, SHOWN IN RED ON PLAN 284BL (“Unaddressed Municipal Property”); (3) LOT 1, SECTION 69, COMOX DISTRICT, PLAN 6674; and (4) LOT 2, SECTION 69, COMOX DISTRICT, PLAN 6674; and
THAT Council direct Staff to provide notice of disposition of the Unaddressed Municipal Property in accordance with the requirements in Section 286 of the Local Government Act and Sections 26 and 94 of the Community Charter; and
THAT Council direct the Director of Development Services to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the lands described as Unaddressed Municipal Property, for the fair market value of $360,000.00; and
THAT Section 219 Covenants for the car share program, landscaping retention and maintenance on City lands, transportation contributions towards intersection improvements and protection of a 15 metre environmentally sensitive area from the Courtenay River be prepared and executed by the applicant prior to adoption; and
THAT the Housing Agreement be executed by the applicant prior to adoption.