Meeting #:
CVRD Civic Room, 770 Harmston Ave, Courtenay
Council Present:
  • B. Wells
  • W. Cole-Hamilton
  • D. Frisch
  • D. Hillian
  • E. Jolicoeur
  • M. McCollum
  • W. Morin
Staff Present:
  • G. Garbutt, City Manager (CAO)
  • A. Langenmaier, Director of Financial Services
  • K. Macdonald, Fire Chief
  • K. O'Connell, Director of Corporate Services
  • S. Saunders, Director of Recreation, Culture & Community Services
  • K. Shaw, Director of Public Works Services
  • M. Wade, Director of Development Services
  • J. Chan, Manager of Business Administration (electronic)
  • P. Preston, Manager of Building Services
  • A. Proton, Manager of Legislative Services
  • R. Matthews, Deputy Corporate Officer

Mayor Wells called the meeting to order at 3:32 pm and respectfully acknowledged that the land on which the meeting was conducted is the Unceded territory of the K'ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land.

  • Moved ByMcCollum
    Seconded ByJolicoeur

    THAT Council adopt the October 11, 2023 Regular Council minutes.

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT Council close the meeting to the public pursuant to the following subsections of the Community Charter:

    90   (1) (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;

    (2) (b) the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party.


    Council resumed the open portion of the meeting at 4:15 pm.

    Councillor Morin provided a statement on behalf of Council to acknowledge the deaths of 21 Comox Valley community members in the period of January to August 2023 due to the unregulated toxic drug crisis, for a total of 163 deaths of Comox Valley Community members since the public health emergency was declared.

Sarah Smith, Director of Development for Vancouver Island, and Emily Kendy, Senior Communications Advisor for Community and Tenant Affairs, provided an update on shelter and supportive housing projects in Courtenay.

  • Moved ByJolicoeur
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    THAT Council add Notice of Motion - Safe & Inclusive City Facilities -  Councillor Jolicoeur to the agenda as item 11.1.

  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByMorin

    THAT Council approve a one-year lease extension between the City of Courtenay and the Comox Valley Transition Society for the continued use of the property located at 685 Cliffe Avenue, PID: 006-102-930, Lot 3, Section 61 Comox District Plan VIP3817, as authorized and in accordance with Section 2.1(e) of the November 1, 2021 Lease Agreement.

  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByCole-Hamilton

    THAT Council direct staff to explore the placement of a temporary washroom facility adjacent to the Connect Centre and report back to Council with recommendations.

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT based on the October 25, 2023, report “Parks and Recreation Master Plan – Implementation Strategy”, Council approve the final draft of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Implementation Strategy (Attachment 1, 2, and 3).


    Councillor Cole-Hamilton left the meeting at 5:44 pm, was absent for the vote, and returned at 5:47 pm.

  • Moved ByMorin
    Seconded ByHillian

    THAT Council direct staff to retain the 40km/h speed reduction for the trial area located within the Crown Isle neighbourhood and;

    THAT staff be directed to expand the speed reduction program to include all residential neighbourhoods within the City of Courtenay’s jurisdictional boundary, with the exclusion of all roads classified as either arterial and industrial or designated as a truck route, as time and resources allow and;

    FURTHER THAT staff be directed to prioritize the implementation of an expanded speed reduction program with installation focused on the Safe Active Schools Program and the Cycling Network Plan.


    With no objections, Council varied the order of the agenda by moving Item 9.1.1 Consideration of Permissive Property Tax Exemptions, before Item 6.2.2 2023 Speed Display Device Program, and renumbered the agenda accordingly.


  • Moved ByMcCollum
    Seconded ByJolicoeur

    THAT Council adopt "Tax Exemption Churches 2024, Bylaw No. 3092, 2023".

  • Councillor Jolicoeur declared a conflict of interest as he is on the Board of Directors for the Dawn to Dawn Action on Homelessness Society, and left the meeting at 6:14 pm.

    Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByCole-Hamilton

    THAT Council adopt "Tax Exemption 2024, Bylaw No. 3112, 2023".


    Councillor Jolicoeur returned to the meeting at 6:15 pm.

  • Councillor Morin declared a conflict of interest as she is an employee of the Comox Valley Transition Society, and left the meeting at 6:16 pm.

    Moved ByCole-Hamilton
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    THAT Council adopt "Tax Exemption 2024, Bylaw No. 3111, 2023".


    Councillor Morin returned to the meeting at 6:16 pm.

  • Councillor Hillian declared a conflict of interest as he is on the Board of Directors for the John Howard Society, and left the meeting at 6:17 pm.

    Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByJolicoeur

    THAT Council adopt "Tax Exemption 2024, Bylaw No. 3110, 2023".


    Councillor Hillian returned to the meeting at 6:18 pm.

  • Mayor Wells called a recess at 7:00 pm. The Council meeting resumed at 7:02 pm.

    Moved ByMcCollum
    Seconded ByHillian

    THAT Council adopt "Tax Exemption 2024, Bylaw No. 3091, 2023".

  • Moved ByMcCollum
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT Council rescind third reading of "Tax Exemption 2024, Bylaw 3091, 2023".

  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByCole-Hamilton

    THAT Council amend "Tax Exemption 2024, Bylaw 3091, 2023" to remove the exemption for Aaron House Ministries, Folio 1960.006.

  • Moved ByCole-Hamilton
    Seconded ByJolicoeur

    THAT Council give third reading to "Tax Exemption 2024, Bylaw 3091, 2023" as amended.

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByMorin

    THAT Council direct staff to schedule a special meeting of Council prior to the October 31, 2023 permissive tax exemption deadline for the purpose of adopting "Tax Exemption 2024, Bylaw 3091, 2023".

  • Moved ByCole-Hamilton
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT Council direct staff to update the Permissive Tax Exemption Policy by June 2024;

    AND THAT once the Permissive Tax Exemption Policy has been updated, Council consider a grant in the amount of the proposed permissive tax exemption for Aaron House Ministries, Folio 1960.006.


    Mayor Wells called a recess at 7:07 pm. The Council meeting resumed at 7:34 pm.

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT Council direct staff to continue to operationalize the speed display device program and;

    THAT Council direct staff to remove the locations that are recommended for a “remove” strategy for the next three years and return to the locations that are recommended for a “monitor” and “repeat” strategy and;

    FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to request RCMP speed enforcement for the locations that are recommended for a “speed enforcement” strategy.    

  • Moved ByCole-Hamilton
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    WHEREAS the City of Courtenay’s new Official Community Plan (OCP) has identified climate action goals and aims to reduce GHG emissions in our community by 45% below 2016 levels by 2030;

    WHEREAS OCP policy BL 6 commits the City to “Advocate to and support the Province in amending the BC Building Code and other building related policies to: a) regulate carbon pollution for new buildings as soon as possible” and policy BL 7 commits the City to “Review and update immediately relevant building, zoning, and development permitting policies upon any new legislative authorities that support policies within BL 6;” and

    WHEREAS the Province has responded to advocacy by the City and numerous other local governments by introducing the Zero Carbon Step Code which provides new authority to local governments to regulate carbon pollution from new buildings; 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT pursuant to policies BL6 and BL7 of Courtenay’s OCP, staff prepare a report outlining options for implementing the Zero Carbon Step Code in order to meet the City's 2030 emissions reduction target.


WHEREAS Council’s strategic priorities, values, anti-discrimination policy, and guiding principles recognize the importance of upholding the community values of respect, equality, and diversity;
AND WHEREAS, the City recognizes and respects the rights of individuals and groups to freedom of expression, it is imperative to balance these rights with the responsibility to ensure the safety and the protection and well-being of all residents;
AND WHEREAS, this resolution serves as a proactive measure to maintain a safe and inclusive environment within City-owned facilities and reinforces our dedication to promoting diversity, fostering understanding, and rejecting acts of discrimination or hate;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THAT Council direct staff to prepare a report outlining options to keep City facilities free of hate and inclusive of all people.

No report provided.

No report provided.

No report provided.

No report provided.

No report provided.

No report provided.

Mayor Wells advised that he called an Emergency Shelter Space Task Force meeting recently to discuss available spaces in the region for an extreme weather response shelter. The Task Force is currently seeking available shelter spaces to open the service as soon as possible.

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByCole-Hamilton

    THAT Council close the meeting to the public pursuant to the following subsections of the Community Charter:

    90   (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;

    (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;

    (2) (b) the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party.


Mayor Wells terminated the open portion of the meeting at 8:12 pm. Following the conclusion of the in camera portion of the meeting, Mayor Wells terminated the meeting at 9:20 pm.



Adopted by Council November 8, 2023

No Item Selected