Meeting #:
CVRD Civic Room, 770 Harmston Ave, Courtenay
Council Present:
  • B. Wells
  • W. Cole-Hamilton
  • D. Frisch
  • D. Hillian
  • E. Jolicoeur (electronic)
  • M. McCollum
  • W. Morin
Staff Present:
  • G. Garbutt, City Manager (CAO)
  • A. Langenmaier, Director of Financial Services
  • K. Macdonald, Fire Chief
  • K. O'Connell, Director of Corporate Services
  • S. Saunders, Director of Recreation, Culture & Community Services
  • M. Wade, Director of Development Services
  • J. Chan, Manager of Business Administration
  • N. Gothard, Manager of Community and Sustainability Planning
  • A. Proton, Manager of Legislative Services
  • R. Matthews, Deputy Corporate Officer

Mayor Wells called the meeting to order at 4:01 pm and respectfully acknowledged that the land on which the meeting was conducted is the Unceded territory of the K'ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land.

Councillor Cole-Hamilton acknowledged that September 17th to September 23rd is the first official National Legion Week. The Courtenay Legion will be hosting numerous public events in honour of National Legion Week designed to educate communities on the work their local Branch does and reinforce the role the Legion plays in supporting Veterans.

Councillor McCollum advised that September 26th is United Way BC Day, celebrating the community work, initiatives, and programs focused on child and youth mental health, the Better at Home program to support the independence of seniors, and various School’s Out programs in the City of Courtenay.

With no late items or objections, Council proceeded with the agenda as presented.

  • Moved ByMcCollum
    Seconded ByMorin

    THAT Council adopt the August 30, 2023 Regular Council minutes.


Julie Keumbehdjian, Coordinator, Welcoming Communities Coalition, presented information regarding what a welcoming community is, the Coalition’s vision and purpose, its membership requirements, and requested that the City of Courtenay become a member.

Shams Alibhai, Executive Director and Thuy Sin, Regional Settlement Manager, Immigrant Welcome Centre, presented information regarding the Immigrant Welcome Centre's services.

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT Council direct staff to forward to the Agricultural Land Commission, with a recommendation of support, the application for a non-farm use and associated fill placement application for the Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds properties located at 4795, 4825, 4835, 4839, and 4875 Headquarters Road and Lot 3, Section 45, Comox District, Plan 13392 Except Part on Plan EPP81392;

    AND THAT Council request that the ALC consider the following items be addressed:

    a. Traffic Impact Assessment

    b. Capacity modelling for infrastructure

    c. Coordination of parks plans, cycling network plan, and infrastructure plans into the proposed master plan

    d. City land use and zoning items be addressed for 4875 Headquarters Road and consolidation of the parcels into one to address impacts of multiple property lines.

  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByCole-Hamilton

    THAT Council direct staff to proceed with an update to the Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Area Bylaw to increase the maximum levy, as requested by the DCBIA;

    THAT Council consider first, second and third readings of the “Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Area Bylaw No. 3105, 2023” at the September 27, 2023 Council meeting;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to undertake property owner approval for the proposed bylaw using the “Council initiative – subject to petition against” method under s. 213 of the Community Charter.

  • Councillor Cole-Hamilton left the meeting at 6:04 pm.

    Moved ByMorin
    Seconded ByHillian

    THAT Council direct staff to enter into an agreement with the Courtenay Fire Protection District to provide rural fire protection for a term of up to 5 years.


    Councillor Cole-Hamilton returned to the meeting at 6:06 pm.

  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByMorin

    THAT Council receive the “Strengthening Communities’ Grant Extension” briefing note.


WHEREAS the flying of flags is a way of showing acknowledgment and respect in many cultures; and

WHEREAS the City of Courtenay has committed to building a strong and respectful relationship with K’ómoks First Nation;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff engage with K’ómoks First Nation and report back to Council on options for displaying the K’ómoks First Nation flag at Courtenay City Hall.


  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    THAT Council adopt "Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 3104, 2023".


Councillor Cole-Hamilton reviewed his attendance at the following event:

  • September 13 - FCM Committee of the Whole meeting

Councillor Frisch reviewed his attendance at the following event and submitted a report of activities:

  • September 1 - Eureka Support Society Open House

Councillor Hillian advised that the Kus-kus-sum project is currently facing an issue regarding recent changes to regulations which led to the discovery of contaminated soil on site. Handling and potential transportation of the contaminated soil is causing significant extra costs and will likely cause a delay to the completion of the project. Representatives of the Kus-kus-sum project met with the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy last week and were provided with assistance from a Ministry staff person to work with the Kus-kus-sum representatives to help keep the project moving forward, including the potential for some exemptions and additional funding.

Councillor Jolicoeur reviewed his attendance at the following events:

  • August 31 - International Day of Awareness event at Simms Park
  • Comox Valley Substance Use Collaborative meeting

Councillor McCollum submitted a report of activities, see agenda.

Councillor Morin submitted a report of activities, see agenda.

Mayor Wells reviewed his attendance at the following events:

  • September 5 - Comox Valley Search & Rescue Fundraiser ($30,000 raised)
  • September 6 - Meeting with MLA Kevin Falcon
  • September 6 - Comox Valley Hero Awards
  • September 8 - Comox Valley Mayor's Golf Tournament

Mayor Wells terminated the meeting at 6:26 pm.



Adopted by Council September 27, 2023