On May 29, 2023, Council held a Special In Camera Council meeting, rising and reporting on the following motions:
THAT the following three motions be added as late items to the May 31, 2023 Council meeting agenda for public information: Motion 1) Response to BC Housing, Super 8 Motel Purchase, Motion 2) Delegation to Victoria to meet with the Minister Responsible for Housing and Motion 3) Rise and Report.
MOTION 1: Response to BC Housing, Super 8 Motel Purchase
WHEREAS Council and our community has been engaged with, and advocated to, the Province and BC Housing the urgent need for additional purpose-built supportive housing and shelter services in our community; and,
WHEREAS the Province of BC and BC Housing has failed to identify permanent solutions to the ongoing homelessness crisis in our community despite repeated requests by the City of Courtenay for purpose built supportive housing and shelter;
WHEREAS the Province of BC and BC Housing have announced their purchase of the Super 8 Motel as a temporary supportive housing site for the relocation of residents from the Travelodge Motel; and,
WHEREAS the purchase of the Super 8 Motel by BC Housing does not provide any additional units of supportive housing to address the immediate need of at least 100 units of permanent purpose-built supportive housing; and,
WHEREAS Council expects the Province and BC Housing to follow the City’s application process for a Temporary Use Permit for the Super 8 location, which includes community consultation and public engagement; and,
WHEREAS Council expects the Province and BC Housing to follow their 2021 Supportive Housing, Program Framework; and,
WHEREAS we recognize that as a senior level of government, the Province, through BC Housing, has the ability to proceed under its own authority, including by-passing City processes including but not limited to land use, statutory notification, and community consultation requirements; and,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to send a letter to BC Housing conveying Council’s expectation that BC Housing follow the Local Government Act, the City’s Development Applications Procedures Bylaw, and the 2021 Supportive Housing Program Framework; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council demand BC Housing commit to expediting the development of permanent purpose-built shelter and additional permanent purpose-built supportive housing in the City of Courtenay and report back to Council with a plan by October 27, 2023.
MOTION 2: Delegation to Victoria to Meet with the Minister Responsible for Housing
THAT Council send a delegation to Victoria to meet with the Minister of Housing to be comprised of the Mayor and the City Manager to discuss supportive housing needs and expectations of the City of Courtenay and convey the concerns of the City and the community directly to the Minister responsible for housing; and,
THAT the City of Courtenay invite delegates from the Town of Comox, the Village of Cumberland, the Comox Valley Regional District, and the K’ómoks First Nation, to join the City of Courtenay in their delegation to speak with the Minister of Housing.
MOTION 3: Rise and Report
THAT Council rise and report from the May 29, 2023 Special In Camera Council meeting by directing staff to issue a media release outlining the following:
THAT a letter will be sent to the Province and BC Housing, including the City’s expectations that BC Housing will follow provincial legislation and City processes regarding the Super 8,
- The Expectation that BC Housing move beyond temporary solutions and commit to the creation of permanent solutions to address the homelessness crisis in Courtenay, including purpose-built supportive housing with wrap around services, as well as a purpose-built shelter,
- The benefits and impacts of supportive housing,
- That the City of Courtenay is demanding BC Housing commit to expediting the development of a permanent purpose-built shelter and additional permanent purpose-built supportive housing in the City of Courtenay and report back to Council with a plan by October 27, 2023.