THAT Council authorize staff to execute the attached licence to occupy agreement between the City of Courtenay and Sid Williams Theatre Society for the occupation and use of a portion of the property located at 442 Cliffe Avenue and 410 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay, British Columbia, legally described as:
PID: 006-240-224: Lot 2, Section 61, Comox District, Plan 3189
PID: 006-240-151: Lot 1, Section 61, Comox District, Plan 3189
PID: 009-159-029: Lot 55, Section 61, Comox District, Plan 311
PID: 009-159-070: Lot 58, Section 61, Comox District, Plan 311
PID: 009-159-142: Lot 59, Section 61, Comox District, Plan 311
PID: 009-159-169: Lot 60, Section 61, Comox District, Plan 311
PID: 009-159-185: Lot 61, Section 61, Comox District, Plan 311
PID: 009-159-207: Lot 62, Section 61, Comox District, Plan 311; and
THAT Council authorize staff to execute the attached Management and Operating Grant Fee for Service agreement between the City of Courtenay and Sid Williams Theatre Society for the management and operation of a 500 seat community and professional performing arts theatre.