Meeting #:
CVRD Civic Room, 770 Harmston Ave, Courtenay
Council Present:
  • W. Morin, Acting Mayor
  • W. Cole-Hamilton, via audio/video conference
  • D. Frisch
  • D. Hillian
  • E. Jolicoeur
  • M. McCollum
  • B. Wells
Staff Present:
  • G. Garbutt, City Manager (CAO)
  • A. Langenmaier, Director of Financial Services
  • K. Macdonald, Fire Chief
  • K. O'Connell, Director of Corporate Services
  • S. Saunders, Director of Recreation, Culture & Community Services
  • M. Wade, Director of Development Services
  • P. Preston, Manager of Building and Administrative Services
  • A. Proton, Manager of Legislative Services
  • C. Dallamore, Legislative Coordinator

Acting Mayor Morin called the meeting to order at 4:01 pm and respectfully acknowledged that the land on which the meeting was conducted is the Unceded territory of the K'ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land.

Councillor Hillian expressed condolences for the loss of John Higginbotham, a resident who became a champion for accessibility and inclusion in the Comox Valley community, leaving behind a lasting legacy of advocacy and engagement.

Acting Mayor Morin acknowledged that Vancouver Island MusicFest takes place from July 14th to 16th. It is a major cultural and economic event that draws over 10,000 attendees and has contributed an estimated $100 million reinvestment in the local economy, thanks to the efforts of over 1,300 dedicated volunteers.

Councillor Cole-Hamilton emphasized the importance of National Drowning Prevention Week in BC, aligning with World Drowning Prevention Day, to promote water safety through education, supervision, responsible alcohol use, and the use of lifejackets.

Without objections, Acting Mayor Morin removed Item 10.1 Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association - Annual Report and Bylaw, to be considered at a later meeting at the request of the DCBIA.

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    THAT Council adopt the June 28, 2023, Regular Council minutes.


Acting Mayor Morin called the Public Input Opportunity for the Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 – 1885 Cliffe Avenue (BC Housing) to order at 4:46 pm. 

Council received a presentation on the Temporary Use Permit (TUP) No. 2301 – 1885 Cliffe Avenue (BC Housing) from BC Housing representatives Sarah Smith, Director, Regional Development, Vancouver Island, and Jennifer Breakspear, Associate Vice President, Housing, Service Delivery, & Regional Operations, Operations Branch. Other attendees were Jennifer Fox, Regional Director, Operations, Vancouver Island Region, Roberta Randall, Manager, Community & Tenant Affairs, and Maris MacDonald, MacDonald Hagarty Architects Ltd.  

The Acting Mayor and staff read a statement to inform the public of the Public Input Opportunity process.

Marshall Fisher, 1985 Cliffe Avenue, asked questions about the duration of the TUP and future plans for the Travelodge. The speaker is concerned the temporary solution could become permanent or a drop-in service could be added. Other concerns included the potential long-term impact on the neighborhood, citing the example of the Connect Centre's warming centre and the associated garbage and cleanup costs, and the speaker suggested exploring alternative properties in the core of Courtenay.

Betty Donaldson, 111 20th Street, raised concerns regarding senior safety and the importance of feeling secure while walking. The speaker shared concerns that the fence might attract graffiti, affecting property values, and suggested that there be monitoring within the TUP period.

Chris Markevich, 1876 Riverside Lane, via Zoom, commended the City's housing-first approach. Comments included safety concerns due to people hanging around the Riverway pathway and tents behind the bushes; a request for more information about outreach programs to inform and assist unhoused residents in transitioning into the units; and the importance of maintaining cleanliness, including garbage pickup and providing sharps containers, to ensure that all residents feel safe when walking.

Clare Stangland, 1775 England Avenue, expressed concerns about the neighborhood's state, mentioning issues like drug use and stabbings on the street. The speaker inquired about who to contact regarding safety concerns, and whether there will be 24-hour security and staff presence.

Kyle Arthur, 1885 Cliffe Avenue, confirmed the presence of 24-hour security and staff available at 1885 Cliffe, describing it as a safe, quiet, and caring environment. The speaker noted that residents contribute to the community by returning shopping carts and picking up garbage, and highlighted that most residents care and look out for the neighborhood beyond the supportive housing site.

Dave Redpath, 2045 Hemlock Place, raised concerns about the speed of the consultation process for the current permit and the need to include the community in discussions about housing solutions for unhoused residents. The speaker suggested that the Council grant a shorter-term permit while collaborating with BC Housing to create a long-term plan with further public consultation.

Daniel Davis, 1775 England Avenue, has noted an increase in the number of unhoused people and/or people living with food insecurity in the last two years, drawing from firsthand experience as a food bank volunteer, and asked for more information about this increase.

Eileen Flath, 515 18th Street, expressed no objections to the TUP. However, the speaker raised concerns about the density and speed of traffic on Cliffe Avenue. The speaker is concerned that even with fencing, this issue could pose a problem.

Sarah Smith, BC Housing, confirmed shelter use and drop-in service will not be added at 1885 Cliffe.

Marianne Wade, Director of Development Services, clarified that a TUP can only be renewed once but it can be for a shorter term.

The City also received a total of 8 written submissions regarding Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 (1885 Cliffe Avenue).

Acting Mayor Morin called for additional speakers and waited one minute for additional submissions. There being no further speakers, Acting Mayor Morin closed the Public Input Opportunity for Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 – 1885 Cliffe Avenue (BC Housing) at 5:14 pm.

  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    THAT Council approve Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 and delegate the issuance of Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 to the City Manager (CAO) once the following conditions have been met;

    a) A building permit application has been received that is complete and includes code compliance review to the satisfaction of the Manager of Building Services;

    b) An executed Operator Agreement between BC Housing and Comox Valley Transition Society has been provided to staff;

    c) A fire plan acceptable to the Fire Chief;

    d) A security plan is received to the satisfaction of staff;

    e) A Community Advisory Committee Terms of Reference is received to the satisfaction of staff;

    f) A Good Neighbour Agreement has been received to the satisfaction of staff;

    g) A SRW plan and document for the City’s water chamber on the property at 1885 Cliffe Avenue has been received to the satisfaction of staff;

    h) Letter of Indemnity has been received as per Section 502 of the Local Government Act.

  • Amendment:
    Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT Council amend the motion to add the following condition:

    i) BC Housing meet with Council at one-year and two-year intervals during the 3-year permit period to present on the progress made in addressing housing issues in the City of Courtenay.

  • Main motion as amended

    Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    THAT Council approve Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 and delegate the issuance of Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 to the City Manager (CAO) once the following conditions have been met;

    a) A building permit application has been received that is complete and includes code compliance review to the satisfaction of the Manager of Building Services;

    b) An executed Operator Agreement between BC Housing and Comox Valley Transition Society has been provided to staff;

    c) A fire plan acceptable to the Fire Chief;

    d) A security plan is received to the satisfaction of staff;

    e) A Community Advisory Committee Terms of Reference is received to the satisfaction of staff;

    f) A Good Neighbour Agreement has been received to the satisfaction of staff;

    g) A SRW plan and document for the City’s water chamber on the property at 1885 Cliffe Avenue has been received to the satisfaction of staff;

    h) Letter of Indemnity has been received as per Section 502 of the Local Government Act;

    i) BC Housing meeting with Council at one-year and two-year intervals during the three-year permit period to present on the progress made in addressing housing issues in the City of Courtenay.


    Acting Mayor Morin called a recess at 5:57 pm. The Council meeting resumed at 6:07 pm.

Dr. Paivi Abernethy, Climate Change & Health Lead, Healthy Communities, Population and Public Health, along with Dr. Charmaine Enns, Medical Health Officer for the North Island, presented on the health effects of climate change, emphasizing the interconnections between climate change, health, mental health, community planning, water management, drought, flooding, wildfires, and food security. They highlighted the importance of proactive solutions and providing residents with information on how to adapt to these challenges.

Dawn Collins presented to Council regarding a proposed Cycling Without Age program for Courtenay, which uses electric pedal-assisted trishaws and local volunteers to provide trishaw rides to seniors, promoting social connections and emotional well-being. The delegate suggested that Council consider implementing a community model similar to Invermere's, which provides tax receipts, insurance and an annual grant to its local chapter.


Acting Mayor Morin called a recess at 6:56 pm. The Council meeting resumed at 7:20 pm.

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByJolicoeur

    THAT Council direct staff to develop survey questions for inclusion in the 2023 Resident Survey, Your Courtenay, Your Voice to solicit feedback on the following objectives:

    • public alignment with current City crest and community identity
    • improvements or changes, if any, residents would like to see in the City's image
    • how residents become aware of City initiatives, decisions and services
    • specific initiatives or programs residents would like to see that would enhance the quality of life in our community
    • perspective on the City's current efforts in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the community.
  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    THAT Council rescind the following motion in accordance with section 40 of the Council Procedure Bylaw:

    THAT Council give First and Second Readings to “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3063” (1814 Grieve Ave) subject to the following conditions prior to adoption;

    a. 219 Covenant for Community Amenity Contributions; and
    b. 219 Covenant to ensure a 3m vegetation buffer is installed along the northeast and southeast property lines.
    c. A Preliminary layout Plan be issued.

    THAT Council not hold a public hearing as per section 464(2) (b) of the Local Government Act as “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3063” (1814 Grieve Ave) consistent with the City’s Official Community Plan; and

    THAT Council direct staff to issue public notice as per section 467 of the Local Government Act that a public hearing will not be held for “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3063” (1814 Grieve Ave).

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT Council consider first, second and third readings of “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3063” (1814 Grieve Ave) at the July 26, 2023 Council meeting;

    THAT Council not hold a public hearing as per section 464(2) (b) of the Local Government Act as “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3063” (1814 Grieve Ave) consistent with the City’s Official Community Plan; and

    THAT Council direct staff to issue public notice as per section 467 of the Local Government Act that a public hearing will not be held for “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3063” (1814 Grieve Ave).


    Opposed: Councillor Jolicoeur

  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByHillian

    THAT Council rescind the following motion in accordance with section 40 of the Council Procedure Bylaw:

    THAT Council give First and Second Reading to “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3095” to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 2500, 2007, Part 24 – Industrial Two Zone (I-2), section 8.24.1 Permitted Uses to add day care use in Unit A of Strata Lot 5, District Lot 236, Comox District, Strata Plan VIS5235 (4655a Madrona Place); and

    THAT Council not hold a public hearing as per section 464 2 (b) of the Local Government Act as the proposed zoning is consistent with the Official Community Plan; and

    THAT a public notice is given as per section 467 of the Local Government Act. 

  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    THAT Council consider first, second and third readings of “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3095” (4655a Madrona Place) at the July 26, 2023 Council meeting;

    THAT Council not hold a public hearing as per section 464 2 (b) of the Local Government Act as the proposed zoning is consistent with the Official Community Plan; and

    THAT a public notice is given as per section 467 of the Local Government Act. 

  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    THAT Council provide approval in principle for an RCMP expenditure cap of $7,491,284 (90%) representing 31.4 member strength for the 2024/2025 Municipal Policing Contract.

  • Moved ByJolicoeur
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT Council adopt Council Remuneration Policy 1920.00.01,

    AND THAT Council proceed with Council Remuneration Repeal Bylaw No. 3103.


    Opposed: Councillor Hillian

  • Moved ByHillian
    Seconded ByFrisch

    THAT Council receive the “Renaming 150 Year Grove to Stan Hagen Nature Park” briefing note.


No report provided.

Councillor Frisch submitted a report of activities, see agenda.

Councillor Hillian submitted a report of activities and acknowledged the following events:

  • Councillor Hillian acknowledged a successful Canada Day celebration and expressed appreciation for the staff and volunteer efforts.
  • Councillor Hillian also recognized that the community application for a Comox Valley peer-assisted care team has been approved, and thanked the Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness and others for their local engagement and collaborative effort.

Councillor Jolicoeur acknowledged the following event:

  • The Comox Valley Community Action Team (CAT) has scheduled an event on August 31, the International Day of Awareness, which will include music, resiliency-focused activities, and an appearance by "Surreal," a nationally renowned artist who will share his personal experiences with toxic drugs.

Councillor McCollum submitted a report of activities, see agenda.

Councillor Morin submitted a report of activities and acknowledged the following event:

  • Councillor Morin acknowledged the successful community application for funding to establish a peer-assisted care team that was announced on July 7, and is grateful to the staff and the Comox Valley community for their recommendations. PACT teams may be operational before the end of this year or early next year.

Mayor Wells submitted a report of activities, see agenda.

  • Moved ByJolicoeur
    Seconded ByMcCollum

    WHEREAS the Comox Valley is experiencing a housing and homelessness crisis; and,

    WHEREAS the regional municipal and First Nation government leadership have committed to supporting a regional housing summit to bring together housing and homelessness sector partners;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council allocate up to $7,500 from the "Other Council Initiatives" budget for the purposes of contracting an event producer to support the coordination, organization and facilitation of a regional housing summit.

  • Moved ByMcCollum
    Seconded ByHillian

    THAT Council defer Council Resolution "2023 Regional Housing Summit Coordination - Councillor Evan Jolicoeur" to the next meeting or until more information is available regarding regional commitment and summit agenda.



  • Moved ByFrisch
    Seconded ByJolicoeur

    THAT Council give first, second and third readings to "Council Remuneration Repeal Bylaw No. 3103."


    Opposed: Councillor Hillian

  • Moved ByMcCollum
    Seconded ByHillian

    THAT Council adopt "Council Procedure Amendment Bylaw No. 3102, 2023."


Acting Mayor Morin terminated the meeting at 8:30 pm.



Adopted by Council July 26, 2023

No Item Selected