Acting Mayor Morin called the Public Input Opportunity for the Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 – 1885 Cliffe Avenue (BC Housing) to order at 4:46 pm.
Council received a presentation on the Temporary Use Permit (TUP) No. 2301 – 1885 Cliffe Avenue (BC Housing) from BC Housing representatives Sarah Smith, Director, Regional Development, Vancouver Island, and Jennifer Breakspear, Associate Vice President, Housing, Service Delivery, & Regional Operations, Operations Branch. Other attendees were Jennifer Fox, Regional Director, Operations, Vancouver Island Region, Roberta Randall, Manager, Community & Tenant Affairs, and Maris MacDonald, MacDonald Hagarty Architects Ltd.
The Acting Mayor and staff read a statement to inform the public of the Public Input Opportunity process.
Marshall Fisher, 1985 Cliffe Avenue, asked questions about the duration of the TUP and future plans for the Travelodge. The speaker is concerned the temporary solution could become permanent or a drop-in service could be added. Other concerns included the potential long-term impact on the neighborhood, citing the example of the Connect Centre's warming centre and the associated garbage and cleanup costs, and the speaker suggested exploring alternative properties in the core of Courtenay.
Betty Donaldson, 111 20th Street, raised concerns regarding senior safety and the importance of feeling secure while walking. The speaker shared concerns that the fence might attract graffiti, affecting property values, and suggested that there be monitoring within the TUP period.
Chris Markevich, 1876 Riverside Lane, via Zoom, commended the City's housing-first approach. Comments included safety concerns due to people hanging around the Riverway pathway and tents behind the bushes; a request for more information about outreach programs to inform and assist unhoused residents in transitioning into the units; and the importance of maintaining cleanliness, including garbage pickup and providing sharps containers, to ensure that all residents feel safe when walking.
Clare Stangland, 1775 England Avenue, expressed concerns about the neighborhood's state, mentioning issues like drug use and stabbings on the street. The speaker inquired about who to contact regarding safety concerns, and whether there will be 24-hour security and staff presence.
Kyle Arthur, 1885 Cliffe Avenue, confirmed the presence of 24-hour security and staff available at 1885 Cliffe, describing it as a safe, quiet, and caring environment. The speaker noted that residents contribute to the community by returning shopping carts and picking up garbage, and highlighted that most residents care and look out for the neighborhood beyond the supportive housing site.
Dave Redpath, 2045 Hemlock Place, raised concerns about the speed of the consultation process for the current permit and the need to include the community in discussions about housing solutions for unhoused residents. The speaker suggested that the Council grant a shorter-term permit while collaborating with BC Housing to create a long-term plan with further public consultation.
Daniel Davis, 1775 England Avenue, has noted an increase in the number of unhoused people and/or people living with food insecurity in the last two years, drawing from firsthand experience as a food bank volunteer, and asked for more information about this increase.
Eileen Flath, 515 18th Street, expressed no objections to the TUP. However, the speaker raised concerns about the density and speed of traffic on Cliffe Avenue. The speaker is concerned that even with fencing, this issue could pose a problem.
Sarah Smith, BC Housing, confirmed shelter use and drop-in service will not be added at 1885 Cliffe.
Marianne Wade, Director of Development Services, clarified that a TUP can only be renewed once but it can be for a shorter term.
The City also received a total of 8 written submissions regarding Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 (1885 Cliffe Avenue).
Acting Mayor Morin called for additional speakers and waited one minute for additional submissions. There being no further speakers, Acting Mayor Morin closed the Public Input Opportunity for Temporary Use Permit No. 2301 – 1885 Cliffe Avenue (BC Housing) at 5:14 pm.