The following notices of motion as submitted by Councillor Frisch will appear on the June 28th, 2023 Council agenda for consideration:
Motion 1: Development Covenants - Removing the Barriers to the Generation of Renewable Energy - Local Focus
WHEREAS development covenants that prohibit or restrict roof top solar panels are a barrier to the generation of renewable energy; and,
WHEREAS the City of Courtenay has declared a climate crisis and the Province of BC supports climate action, and
WHEREAS solar electric generation is an important part of a greenhouse gas reduction strategy,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council send a letter to Minister Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change to request the Province exercise its authority and override development agreement covenants that restrict or prohibit renewable energy systems in all zones.
Motion 2: Development Covenants - Removing the Barriers to the Generation of Renewable Energy - Provincial Focus AVICC and UBCM
WHEREAS the BC Government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 16% below 2007 levels by 2025, 40% by 2030, and 80% by 2050; and,
WHEREAS solar energy is a renewable energy source and reduces carbon emissions.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to draft a resolution and backgrounder in support of the elimination of development agreement covenants that restrict or prohibit renewable energy systems in all zones for Council’s consideration for submission to the 2024 AVICC and UBCM Conventions.